happy new year folks

>> Jumaat, Disember 18, 2009

im not those kind of people who got a list of what they are going to do come new year. new year or not, its same ol same ol. just taking it easy day by day. of course, yesterday i thought i might be doing something today, it turns out, i need a change of plan. same thing goes for everything else. some ppl had it worst, but as far as i can see, i had it on the 'average'..


on the contrary, i tend to reflect a lot. tendency to 'over think' every single little thing. slight tendency of oevrthinking, which always, and most of the time, doesnt serve my best interest. tendency to.. sit and brood, sit and think, and dwell on lots of thing. suffice to say, thinking has become an obsession. if i were to slice open my brain right now, u'd probably see a maze of interconnected super highway, overlapping itself so much its probably doesnt make any sense. haha.

so perhaps, this new year, i might use less brain, and definitely, less emotion, yes? gaaaahh. its like asking to chop one hand off. its who we are, if we change what we are, then, do we really know who we are anymore? if we change what we dont like about ourself, but those that we like, is kinda what define us, then who are we? see, there goes the start of a veryyy long thinking process... :P

so folks, whatever stage in life you are...

be content with what you have,
love whats good for you,
be nice to each other,
decide whats best for you,
and stick to it.

have a great year!

pesanan kakmot: salam maaf hijrah 1431. islam didahulukan, syariat diutamakan!

2 komen:

Unknown 7:15 PTG, Disember 18, 2009  

happee new year wish from me too...thanks for your sincere advice...yeah, we need to be content, be grateful, this life is too short too feel sorry for ourselves...hehe

Mohar Yahya 10:34 PTG, Disember 21, 2009  

hehe...hepi niuw yer nyle!...long taim no si...haow aa yu...sori la koz cpj sekool kebangsaan.

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