its not worth it. seriously. dont.

>> Isnin, Februari 22, 2010

this piece caught my attention.

Stesen radio kini diwajib putar lagu baru artis tempatan

22/02/2010 8:08pm

KUALA LUMPUR 22 Feb. – Mulai 1 Mac ini, semua stesen radio diwajibkan memutarkan lagu-lagu daripada album atau “single” terbaru artis tempatan untuk tempoh tertentu, kata Menteri Penerangan Komunikasi dan Kebudayaan, Datuk Seri Dr. Rais Yatim.
Beliau berkata, langkah itu juga akan menjadi antara syarat pemberian lesen stesen radio dan beliau percaya pemegang lesen stesen radio tidak akan keberatan untuk mematuhi arahan itu.

Arahan itu akan dikuatkuasakan mengikut Seksyen 33 Akta Komunikasi dan Multimedia (AKMM) 1998 supaya stesen radio mempromosikan lagu-lagu tempatan memandangkan usaha itu didapati masih kurang diutamakan, katanya.

so now, whenever i turn on the radio, i'd be listening to some shit song that i seriously didnt enjoy? please. please. please. listening to radio while driving is one of my favorite thing to do. its the only time where i can sit without hearing unwanted voices. sitting inside my car is like being in a sanctuary. serene but not without mission.

i think this rais fella wanted us to listen to MORE malay song instead of indonesian song. so, do i give a shite about entertainment industry in malaysia especially the long list of not really talented singers and throne of actors and actresses who cant act but seriously want to act? and to top it off, who are not really pretty but people thought they were pretty because they wear spaghetti strap and wear an inch thick make up.

i seriously dont give a shite. i make it a point, like my personal thing NOT TO TUNE INTO ANY MALAY SPEAKING DJ's RADIO. here are my reasons. you may or may not agree with me.

1. i dont like to listen to malay songs. now, dont go around calling me racist. i have my reason for not wanting to listen to malay songs, especially the new ones sang by those who called themselves singers because they won some stupid reality shows,
 that manipulate the entire stupid malaysians into voting them to be the winner. these type of singers, can go fly kites.

2. because, if i listen to malay radio channels, i have to sit through some songs that really shouldnt be recorded at all. i remembered one night, i heard this song by some lady.. the lyrics still haunt me till today. the lyrics goes something like this..

"bayangkan diriku..tapak sulaiman..."

and i thought, what the fudge?

we, malaysians have to bear and listen to this type and level of song, sang by mediocre voice, who dress themselves as if they were born american, i mean.. seriously. now the government wanna make it compulsory for radio stations to air all the new songs, which i can guarantee, will defnitely stink to high heaven.

3. now this third reason is basically why I AM SO NOT GOING TO TUNE IN TO MALAY SPEAKING RADIO. except klasik nasional. i can bear listening to the DJ of klasik nasional, but ERA? MuzikFM? if i accidentally tune into these channel, i might accidentally puke.
have u paid attention to their morning shows, especially ones where they pick an issue, and have those losers callers talking and telling them stories. i remembered this particular day i was driving around in KK with jane, and we  ACCIDENTALLY  tune into ERA, the morning show, which im not what it was called. i just say it was morning show because it whas a program aired in the morning.

and the topic ranges from pernahkah anda menduakan pasangan anda? bagaimanakah anda mengelak dari kantoi? ceritakan pengalaman anda sehingga anda boleh pasang dua.

seriously, topic like this, is really insulting. come on la, they even have people calling and discussing about how great it was to be in two relationship, one mutually exclusive of the other. and those gedik female will giggle and laughing and share their secrets of having two guys go crazy over them but eventually have to choose one. and also those story about married female who falles for anothermarried male.

seriously? dicussing this and choosing this as an issue of great importance to be discussed in public? and we lament about social problems?

give me a break.

i know, i know, you might say, those type of radio are for entertainment purposes, programmmes pick to suit the listeners, blablabla. yeah, i agreed. they choose their content based on how receptive will the audience be. but of course, its my right not to be subjected by these degrading, sorry excuse of entertainment.

no way jose.

thats why i love the morning show by these tro DJs from traxx FM. i dont bother to know their names, but i listen to them every morning. they are funny without insulting my intelligence. plus they gave out funny facts which makes me laugh hard. and also, they dont really talk that much, because probably, they realize that people only tune it to traxx fm for their delicous long list of current english songs that are great to listen to. unlike some radio channel who prefer to blabbing about aper yang anaa buat bersama kekasih anda pada malam Valentine?

so please, whatever this rais yatim try to do, i hope it will not affect english channel because apparently, he was referring to many malay singers whoc ant sell their album.

daripada dgr lagu malaysia, might as well dengar lagu indon.


live, life, love.

>> Ahad, Februari 14, 2010

still got few minutes more to spare before i packed all my laptops and peripherals.

live and let live.
have expectation from life, but dont expect too much. it will only lead to disapointment. but of course, never cease hoping.

"what happened to all the cool people in the world?"
"nothing happen to them. you just have too high expectation.."


i'be gone for a while. thanks for visiting. i have this couple daily visits from UK and Germany, and i wish i knew who you guys were, but thanks all the same. and to the Jabatan Siasatan Jenayah Komersil Bukit Aman fella, i have no idea what you are doing here reading my ramblings, but you wont find anything illegal here. and i thought police are supposed to be real smart and all.and please, i got no picture anywhere in my blog, i aint that stupid. and the picture you were showing my 'friend'? it wasnt me. i'd save you the trouble but you wont find my pic anytime soon. i'm really a private person. if you are smart enough to find my blog, i'd trust that you are smart enough to get my phone no. you are of course welcome to call me if you got any question, and please dont pretend that you are interested with our t shirt, its kinda lame. though i have no idea what good will that do, but dont expect me to come running to you. i got better things to do. or so i pretend.

and of course, i'm going to miss you so much.

i wish..
for so many things..
but really.. this moment..
all i wish for..
is just..
to see you.

take care all..


leaving on a jet plane

-i dont really sleep well last nite. all this mercun, fireworks were so bloody loud. im a light sleeper by nature, so its like a torture to try to sleep with all this commotion outside.

-mom called last night. im still reevaluating. booked the ticket already, but im not sure im going.. i dunno why i hesitate on leaving.

"maybe because this is not leaving.. this is like running away.."

bags are all packed. err, not really bags. just one bag. i travel light. i'll get some more cloth when i reached there. yesterday i got extra locks and deadbolts for some doors. so i spent hours yesterday installing locks and bolts myself. im impressed with myself! haha..

stocked up some groceries n fruits in the fridge for my parents when they got home, in case my parents come home late. holiday season, burglars everywhere.

- my sisters text me and asked me am i really going? actually, i dont feel like going, because i dont want to. why am i hesitating so much?

"you are scared you are going to miss him more.."

maybe, going away isnt such a bad idea after all..


All my bags are packed, I'm ready to go
I'm standin' here outside your door
I hate to wake you up to say goodbye

But the dawn is breakin', it's early morn
The taxi's waitin', he's blowin' his horn
Already I'm so lonesome I could die

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go

'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go
There's so many times I've let you down
So many times I've played around
I'll tell you now, they don't mean a thing

Every place I go, I think of you
Every song I sing, I sing for you
When I come back I'll wear your wedding ring

So kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go

'Cause I'm leaving on a jet plane
I don't know when I'll be back again
Oh, babe, I hate to go

Now the time has come to leave you
One more time, oh, let me kiss you
And close your eyes and I'll be on my way

Dream about the days to come
When I won't have to leave alone
About the times that I won't have to say ...

Oh, kiss me and smile for me
Tell me that you'll wait for me
Hold me like you'll never let me go


sharing session: cerita kunyit

>> Sabtu, Februari 13, 2010

salah satu favret food i, is ayam goreng rempah mamak. nih fav dr dulu. so jap td tgh boring2, teringat nak surf resepi dia kengkonon..(which is so funny..coz wats the point? dah berbulan rasanya tak pijak dapur rumah sndiri.. :p)

anyway, i stumbled upon this blog.

I quote:

Kunyit mengandungi bahan antiseptik yang baik untuk membunuh bakteria yang terdapat didaging ayam

it brings back memories. masa kecik dulu, my father bela banyak burung merpati. some of them were stray birds, injured birds yg my father letak dlm sangkar, n bela sampai burung tu boleh terbang semula. i used to watch my father tepek serbuk kunyit n ikat mana-mana parts yg luka dgn serai yg dibubuh kunyit paste. i asked my father, kunyit tu bukan untuk masak ke pa? my father ckp, kunyit ni untuk healing broken bones and cuts..

but it never occur to me back then la. hari ni bila teringat semula, i googled kunyit@tumeric healing properties associated with it being an antiseptic..

if you are interested, this might be a good read:

here are some of the 20 benefits of taking kunyit@tumeric.

Here are 20 reasons to add turmeric to your diet:

1. It is a natural antiseptic and antibacterial agent, useful in disinfecting cuts and burns.

2. When combined with cauliflower, it has shown to prevent prostate cancer and stop the growth of existing prostate cancer.
3. Prevented breast cancer from spreading to the lungs in mice.
4. May prevent melanoma and cause existing melanoma cells to commit suicide.
5. Reduces the risk of childhood leukemia.
6. Is a natural liver detoxifier.
7. May prevent and slow the progression of Alzheimer's disease by removing amyloyd plaque buildup in the brain.
8. May prevent metastases from occurring in many different forms of cancer.
9. It is a potent natural anti-inflammatory that works as well as many anti-inflammatory drugs but without the side effects.
10. Has shown promise in slowing the progression of multiple sclerosis in mice.
11. Is a natural painkiller and cox-2 inhibitor.
12. May aid in fat metabolism and help in weight management.
13. Has long been used in Chinese medicine as a treatment for depression.
14. Because of its anti-inflammatory properties, it is a natural treatment for arthritis and rheumatoid arthritis.
15. Boosts the effects of chemo drug paclitaxel and reduces its side effects.
16. Promising studies are underway on the effects of turmeric on pancreatic cancer.

17. Studies are ongoing in the positive effects of turmeric on multiple myeloma.
18. Has been shown to stop the growth of new blood vessels in tumors.
19. Speeds up wound healing and assists in remodeling of damaged skin.
20. May help in the treatment of psoriasis and other inflammatory skin conditions.

so there you go, next time nak masak kari ke gulai ke, be sure to add tumeric. nak goreng ayam ke goreng ikan ke, tambah lg kunyit..



my father..

>> Jumaat, Februari 12, 2010

there are times when i enjoy conversing with my father.
there are also times when i dont particularly enjoy the experience.

my father is a man of the highest integrity i've ever known personally (since i dont really know that many people, so my father is the perfect example). in his line of duty, there are so many occasion that people always 'push envelope that contains valuable' to get their fair share of certain 'somethings'.

i was telling my father of how one perfect afternoon, i walked right into a restaurant where a YB, which was his childhood friend, was throwing a 'lunch party'. of course he recognized me, but, it is in my nature to ignore every politician, especially ones whom i knew for a fact, didnt do a thing to ensure the welfare of the rakyat in our area. be as it may that he is my father's childhood friend, to me, he's just another 'asshole'.

so imy father told me whether i was inclined to join his fellow childhood friend. i told him, the politician can kiss my pretty ass (of course, being a daughter, i rephrase these..) i couldnt care less, really. then my father told various stories of 'bribery' & 'corruption' that span his lifetime.

there was this particular favorite of mine. once, a towkay asked permission from my father to expand his hotel premises, but he didnt own that piece of property next to him. it was in my father's power to authorize the usage of that piece of property, so the towkay promised monthly 'allowances', promised to build new fancy fences and gates, and bla bla bla.. which obviously, my father gladly refused. i asked him, why not just take it? no one will know.. haha. my father told me, its not about whether we can cover our tracks, but its the fact that knowing we did something evil, that being dishonest, living without integrity, is not something that my father will ever considered.

i cherished all men and women, who despite all hardship in their life, has been able to remain true and honest to themselves. we might not live in a big fancy houses, drive the most technically advance cars, but rest assured, living based on the highest moral ground, is living a rich life where no evil is lurking. and i feel sorry for those politicians who lived ina big fancy houses, earning wealth from their evil deeds.. how did they cope with being dishonest all the time? 

i mean, how did they teach their kids? what did they say to their kids about morality? ethics? what did they say to their kids about heaven and hell?


i had fun today

..or as close as it gets to fun. literally..

so today i woke up early. its a habit. im so used to waking up right before dawn, so its hard to linger in bed pretending to be asleep. so i went out to the workshop, get post-check-up, evaluating the car performance after massive parts replacement and few upgrades. the cdi still sounded like it wasnt really tight. so i get those boys to get dirty again. i paid a lot to get the car back on its 4 wheels so i am sooo not going to tolerate anything less than perfection.

then i went to a relative house, its located next to the beach where i usually have my morning run. but today, i dont plan on running. i bought few kuih muih n off i went to visit them. after small talks (i am not big on small talks), went to take a short walk at the beach. it was so windy, and the sky darkened in no time. i wanted to spend more time just sitting there doing nothing but the weather was going rough and the sea turned a shade murky. its a sign for me to go home.

mom called and asked me to pick her up at the clinic. went to get her, and she said she wanted to go to the fish market. oh no.. i always avoid going into any kind of shopping with my mother, be it for cloth, shoes, fishes or vegies. told my mom to hurry while i waited in the car, and she replied..

 "buat apa mak nak lama2 dalam pasar ikan, bukannya harum pun pun pasar ni.."

and she emerged, 40 minutes later with only 3 kg's of fishes.
women.. what is so interesting in shopping for 3kgs of fishes that it has to be more than 10minutes?

i hate shopping. n waiting. i have very low tolerance on ppl who have the habit of walking aimlessly admiring stuff in the shops (also known as window shopping). i mean, its not like you havent bought anything in ur life, why on earth would i be indecisive the next time im making the same shopping trip?

it beats me.

well, the true fun is when i got home, and read AT's blog.
i was laughing. mom keep asking me whats so funny. told her there is this one funny guy who are kinda entertaining..

well, lets just leave it at that.


btw, what i so loved about friday, besides the obvious, of course, today is the day when new episodes of vampire diaries are released. i have just finished downloading episode 14 of vampire diaries. cant waittttt to watch it later tonite. but before that, i have to go out for a while again.

so maybe holiday without work isnt so bad after all.

i just have to pretend like everything is picture perfect.
easy peasy.


i am so jealous. i am green with envy.

i envy the state of kelantan and the state of perak.
i envy the people who were led by virtue of islamic leaders.
i envy the moment where they pray together.
i envy the moment where they all pray together to get the oil royalty.
i envy the moment where the leaders launch 'bulan galakan sembahyang'.
i envy the state where they got more mosques than churches.

i am so green with envy.



there are reasons why i hate being out of work.
working long hours is a cure.
it blocks all unwanted emotion.
a way to channel excess energy.
a diversion.
a coping mechanism.
at the end of the day, all is left is just fragments.


every time i think of him, there is this sadness that washed over me.
its like standing near a sea shore, trying to enjoy the sun, and suddenly, a tide of waves come...
you stood firm on ur feet, but the current was way too strong.
and the waves just swept you away..


some time ago..

"what happened??"
"it was over."
"how do you know..??"
"he told me so."
"how so???"
"he said never to wait for him.."
"he said never to wait for him, and told me to go on with my life.. and its such a waste of time.."
"waste of time??"
"yup.. maybe i waste his time for nothing.."
"nothing.. i kept quiet."
"i was embarassed to ask anything.. plus i dont really know what to say"
"for a smart girl, you can be really stupid"
"i dont know how to respond.."
"but you like him, right???"
"always will"
"hmm.. and u still miss him???"
"all the time"
"i think you should talk to him to clear things out la"
"he dont really like me that way, i think.. my fault i guess"
"then i think you should let him go.. maybe he's not the one"
"i tried.. i just like him so much"
"did you love him?"




>> Khamis, Februari 11, 2010

first day of the holiday. and i am already bored.

i used to start my day at around 4am, come home at almost 7pm. daily. from mon to sat. on sunday, i got my weekly run, do some compulsory itemised shopping. then i sleep.
i usually woke up around 3.50am, took a quick shower, dressed in my 'work cloths' (aka jeans n shirt), grab my keys and off i go.

usually, when i got home, i switched on my laptop and took shower while its starting up.
and then i logged on the net, surf for news, blog hopping, till i got real sleepy, and off i sleep.
and that will sum up my activites for the day.

and now im on holiday, im totally bummed.
without work.
i feel so bloody empty.
n bored.


for today.
i run in the morning. the usual route.
then i went to the workshop that i frequented. today, got my timing belt changed. 2 days ago, i got the starter bushing replaced, and the whole CDI replaced as well, coz there are many occasions that my car overheated, and the engine wont start. next, i bought a new pair of back bush, needed replacement too, so that my car wont sound like its going to disintegrate every time i hit a dip on the road. also, bought a new spark plug, cause everytime i started the engine, it seems like its goin 'shaky'. and also got new beltings, new bearings for the timing belt (i could have bought the full set, but i didnt know that at first) and also new starter rings.

when i finished shopping for parts, i went back to the 'overly friendly' band of trio 'malay' brothers who run the workshop. (the only reason i went to this particular 'trio brothers' workshop is that i can get cheaper human labor prices compared to the chinese workshop that my father suggested. i only have to smile a lot at them, making small talks, sits and sometimes walk around looking particularly interested in whatever they were doing, and look dumb and cute once in a while and act as if i got no brains inside my skull. then i got almost 50% off the usual rates.)

what can i say? they are men afterall. and i am just another damsel in distress, helpless with a car that almost died on me... :)

and no, this is not an exploitation of sexes. i am totally against using gender to gain the upper hand :))

urgh. im bored. im goin out.



Kalau nak naikkan harga, naikkan jer la. Bangsat.

>> Jumaat, Februari 05, 2010

If harga gula naik dipasaran antarabangsa, dan kerajaan harus naikkan harga gula, naikkan jer la. Yang lagi nak spekulasi sana sini tentang harga apa ke jadah? Macam haram. Sial tak sudah. Kalau nak naikkan harga, terus jer naikkan on the spot. Tak payah nak cakap harga gula naik lepas tahun Baru Cina ke, tahun baru Yahudi ke, tahun baru Bahai ke. Bodoh melantun. bangsat mcm haram. dasar yahudi. Arghh bengangnyer.

Bila wat spekulasi harga, pemborong akan tros ambil kesempatan. pemborong ke pengilang ke akan mula sorok barang. lagi tak paham ke? apa yg bodoh sgt ni? tak tahu ke betapa azabnya bila nak meniaga tp barang2 asas semua tak dijual?? sial sungguh. eh bodoh. kerja makan gaji buta ke? otak sorok kat bontot? yg pegi cakap harga gula naik lepas tahun baru cina, tp umum sebulan lebih awal apa ke jadah haramnye punya sial punya statement? ambik kau. bodoh wal bangsat wal celaka.

pegi mampus la.


dont let me go.. (2)

>> Selasa, Februari 02, 2010


bukan satu penyelesaian..

i read this.


should i?
should i not...?
am i supposed to..?
maybe i am not supposed to..
but what if it was meant to..?
but maybe it was not meant to..



don't let me go..

>> Isnin, Februari 01, 2010

never say never: the fray

There's some things we don't talk about
Rather do without
And just hold the smile
Falling in and out of love
Ashamed and proud of
Together all the while

You can never say never
Why we don't know when
Time and time again
Younger now than we were before

Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Picture you're the queen of everything
As far as the eye can see
Under your command
I will be your guardian
When all is crumbling
Steady your hand
You can never say never
Why we don't know when
Time, time and time again
Younger now then we were before

Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go
We're pulling apart and coming together again and again
We're growing apart but we pull it together
Pull it together, together again

Don't let me go
Don't let me go
Don't let me go


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