blog vs facebook
>> Rabu, Oktober 06, 2010
i used to think that i might be one of those people who can get past this millenia without having to ever associate myself with Facebook. totally wrong. try again. hehe...
nah, i spent whatever left of my free time mainly in facebook. one, because its easy. all i have to do, is look at my phone, and taadaaaaa, all is there. two, there are always funny people with funny things to say, and some times, i get to be funny too. ha!
me on the facebook, is so different with me on the blog. hypocrite much? no? yes? nah, not really. on the facebook, its me being me on crack. seriously. thats why, i seldom add bloggers i know, as a friend on my facebook. seldom is overstating it. i only add two bloggers i know in my FB, and the turned down many other requests, including Aduka's. funny enough, its like me having two secret, distinctively separate life. which soon, cease to exist. ha!
and yes, the fact that i am talking about my facebook here in my blog, instead of talking about my blog in my facebook, says it all. which is the real me? me here, or me over there?
*ponders for a while*
its been bugging me, really. why cant i be open and honest, like i do now in my blog, to the rest of my friends and families on the facebook. instead, i get to be the happy me over there. happy me on crack, i must say. ha ha ha.
yes, talking about heartaches in front of all the people in this world, so not gonna happen anytime soon. ha!
crap. i got caught up in liking quotes in FB. ha ha!
so, i lost my train of thoughts.
continue..... tomorrow? no?
i dont make promises i couldnt keep...
1 komen:
dejavu? whateva .. me happy for u, when ur & if ur.
Catat Ulasan