Willie Harcourt-Cooze's Chocolate Brownie Recipe

>> Ahad, Oktober 25, 2009

Willie Harcourt-Cooze's Chocolate Brownie Recipe. (Serves 4)

200g unsalted butter,
180g chocolate: a bar of venezuelan black (100% cacao) or equivalent good dark chocolate,
5 eggs,
350 g sugar: half caster & half muscovado,
200g almonds,
3 teaspoons vanilla essence,
100 g shelled walnuts, crushed or 100 g chocolate nibs, crushed.

How to make it:
1. Preheat oven to 170 degrees (fan oven).
2. Line an 11" square baking tray with greaseproof paper (don't worry if if your baking tray is a little smaller or a little larger).
3. In a heavy pan, melt the chocolate and butter over a low heat. in your mixer whisk the eggs for a minute, followed by the sugar for another minute, then the almonds and vanilla. lastly add the walnuts or nibs to your silky chocolatey blend, whisk it all together for a minute.
4. Pour into baking tray and bake for 40 - 45 minutes.
5. Cut into squares, in the tray, while still warm, then leave to cool... Before eating!

credit to ABJ. who wanted to try, feel free. i'm not really a brownies or cookies person.. hehe...

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