snippets on my thoughts
>> Jumaat, April 24, 2009
1. few months back, ada sorang member datang and asked me to go to 'jabatan pertanian' sbb dia kata, gomen tgh bagi free RM10,000 utk beli equipment bisnes. and first thing that comes into my mind, how on earth the gomen come up with such a plan to give away rm10,000 (bukan loan, ni free money) masa tgh economic recession? the WORST economic recession lg. and i already suspected something doesnt seem right. and i do some digging.
surprise surprise! AT lak email and bg tau MIDA ada bg loan. utk mereka yg layak, up to a million ringgit. and i thought, what the heck..!! this is getting weird. i want to write more, but later. i keep asking, dr mana gomen dpt all these money? we are spending money that we dont have!
2. another friend datang lg n bg tau, "sekarang nih la bagus buat loan, buat je apa jenis loan, bank akan approved beb. aku baru je amik RM20,000 utk renovate umah. ko beli la keta baru, aku dgr anak jiran sebelah aku siap loan beli rumah lagi". and i thought, what the heck is going on? bukan ke tgh recession? how come the money datang mencurah2? and why is the bank encouraging us to spend more!!" darn.. something is definitely not right.
3. then, comes najib announcement of the 60billion fund injection. and i thought, i dont have to be a financial analyst, but that has got to be the most idiotic approach to an economic recession that ever devised by a human being. its throwing good money after the other so to speak. its bailing out nonetheless. what are u injecting the money for? to increase economic growth? its the global endemic la idiot. if we are spending the money we dont have, u will DEFINITELY create inflation, and while you live happily ever after, its OUR CHILDREN who is going to suffer. stupid old git.
4. and here comes the gooooooddddd part! whaaalllaaaaaaaaaaa.. 30% cut on bumis equity. i just love this country. ha ha ha.. i really want to write more but i have some reading to go thru.. *sigh..*
i need to research bout some psychology among kids in classroom blablabla.. and my thesis on english art literature pun tak start research lg. plus, my handphone dealer from China lak hantar stok yg salah. smlm pegi pejabat daerah, nak mintak tandatangan D.O pun mcm nak mintak tandatangan YB. asik meeting meeting.. today couldnt get any worse.. "sigh.."
23 komen:
Wakaka..iyolah jabatan pertanian nak kasi.Die iklan jer tuh.kang die kasi kat kroni dia ja.Tiap2 tawun ulang la kat kroni yg sama.Kroni dah keje kilang tak wat pertanian pon dok bagi lagi.
Checkout latest mini budget.Around 60% of the budget bukan lah duit sebonar-bonar duit.Tuh cuma duit on paper jek dlm bentuk potongan tax etc.
My bet: they are gambling on pelabur asing tuk finance projek2 ni.Taruhan die 30% equity tempatan tuh.The biggest probnyer ialah outside, nobody on earth really have "real" money dah.N Malaysia bukan lah tempat melabur yg menarik dah sbb dah ade China(manufacturing),Vietnam(cheap labour),Laos n india(IT).
Wa predict peratus kegagalan : 60%
but still, tax-money, come to think of it is money that you do have. just a question bout collecting (kalau tax kroni, haha.. maybe yes maybe not).i am talking about money that you think you have but you dont.
eg: money that you think could come from investor. money that you think you could gain by printing more currency.
gomen kita cetak duit lebih ke?
bcoz, i read it somewhere, thats what the US gomen did.
am i correct?
our government is setting us up for a tragic downfall. its a series chain of events that will definitely bite us in the tuckus soon..
apo la nasib org yg meniaga mcm den nih.. huhu...
1.Its like they have 10 option(cetak duit,tarik pelabur,etc) and they running all just to looks good.Maybe sbb sentiment PM baru nak tunjuk bagus.Its a medium risk gambling actually sama cam main roulette.Bet on 10 diff number maybe 5 kene,5 tak kene or loss all.Main poker ajer la gomen kalau berani..
2.US cetak duit.Maybe betul, tapi diorg terlampau bijak kalau takat nak gantung kat situ.Check posting TUN ni untuk penerangan:-
U wat biz hp kah?online dropship ka wat conventional?
dlm bnyk2 opsyen itu, opsyen cetak duit lebih is THE MOST dangerous opsyen. huhu.. kalo ini lah yg gomen buat, hancur lah ekonomi mesia..
aha.. i do both actually. dearler online n offline. mostly are.. "profits on the wind"
if online u should glad lar..hahaha.USD naik dah RM 3.7.Last time masa ekonomi down,geng online kaya raya sbb time tuh USD naik 4.3 rase nyer.Syok2.
I penah tgk sorg malaysian online biz owner punya acc paypal.Nak dekat million transaction die.Ganas!
But tuh dulu lah skang dah susah sket kot.huhu
brader, skarang nih is a gud time to buy saham trust fund or mutual fund. tul tak? ahakz.. by forecasting that our economy will be able to grow la..
actually, main forex skarang nih ok gak.. hihi.. cuma kena tahan mata sbb US punya counter is havoc, kdg2 bila spike, buleh gak la masyuk sikit2. tp RISKY.
ade org ckp:when crisis come buy a land.Trust fund termasuk ke?hehehe.
Forex..i'm not sure..dah lama tak main coz tak berbakat.wakaka.I'm a bit gambler..tak sesuai main forex.huhuh.Main2 last2 sure kantol.:((.
GBP skang tinggal RM5 lebay jek.Kot2 simpan cam dinar iraq dulu rase2 leh kaya tak?wakakaka.
yes!! definitely. buy a land. but jgn hutang. unless u can get a fixed interest rate. tp jgn beli dr bank. org kata rugi. ramai cikgu2 sini berebut2 beli tanah dr org kg skarang. sbb skrg nih ramai org yg punya properties, is stuck with payment. when economic has taken a downturn, interest rates go up bcoz of inflation (nur oooo nur.. cuba betulkan stetmen financial daku nih kalu silap) ahakz..
im very patient n tak tamak. so forex suits me juzzzzz fine :p
usually i monitor forex between UDS JAP GBP. i am not sure about buying n keeping. ada org kata simpan2 nih haram kalu forex. haha.. i do only spot on je.
if u got money, beli emas la. beli bnyk2. masa i baru lahir dulu, mak belikan seutas rantai. dulu RM600.
skrg, i buat appreciation harta brg2 kemas, the prices has gone tiga empat lima kali ganda. pergh.. dulu rm400, now almost rm3000.
kalo sapo2 ada makcik2 kat ulu2 yg nak jual emas, now wud be a gud time to buy. hehehe...
yup definitely no hutang.But for young people like me..tak logik tak berhutang.Mano sompat nak kumpul duit beli cash. Govt staff untung banyak la.Got lot of koperasi offered loan with fix interest instead of bank.Cikgu especially.Terasa nak jd cikgu jer.hehe.
Beli emas tuh logik lar..but better play in forex la.Laju sket.:P
Nowdays i'm doing pertanian jer coz of good ROI n modal sng cari.But biler wat baru tau..pokok bukan mechine.Tak semestinya plan kite jd.Nasib baik thanks to technology,keje dah senang sket.Tersengguk jugak la tuka angin ni.Can checkout my blog
betul2.. ;p
interest rate menaik bcoz buyers power dah berkurang.. that makes the inflation,,
fuyooo.. akk mesti byk rantai emas
nur tak de emas nih.. umi pun takde.. kitorang tak suka pakai emas2 nih,,
kekecik lagi dah buat investment..
hmm..nur personally rasa,, dalam umur2 sekarang ni.. to invest on property is the best dan selamat.. beli tanah.. rumah.. apa2 real estate property..
modal banyak laa, tapi for a long term investment, paling menguntungkan..
sbb tu ada jenis kaya2 ni beli rumah setiap negara satu.. haha,, tu kira untuk security gakla bila invest on real estate..
[bila economy runs down, the only investment that'll be safe and getting higher in price]
btw.. back to the entry topic,
haritu nur balik cuti,, mcik nur bagitau, [adeh lupa under kementerian apa] dia boleh bagi 50k loan if university students nak start business..
tapi nur tak interested la pulak ;p
nur, kalu ada amik jer la. try test dulu. kalu tak berjaya, mohon je jadik cikgu. ok aper, jadik cikgu "pi pi es em ai" kui3.. nur, daku bkan takat rantai emas, rantai kapal pun daku simpan gak :p
bro, daku minat gak hal2 pertanian nih. ada tanah kat kg tp tak tahu nk buat apo. hua3.. mungkin sesuai jugak kot kalu i jadi petani nih. buat sana sikit, sini sikit, dapat la kaver2 byr keta, bil ngebil nih.. skrg nih tanah tu tanam ubi kayu jek. bila time i rajin, buat kerepek ubi kayu. last year la time rajin2 buat kerepek jual kat sekolah tu dpt dlm 400 woo.. nih baru buat sekali. tp pastu daku kena virus malas2.. hihi..
balik city nih susah nak manage jarak jauh. tp syabas la bro, respek org wat pertanian moden nih..
Nak apply tuh boleh tapi kne ade tektik n teknik nak "confirm" dptkan loan camtuh.Ni disebabkan cam student grad tade good financial background.Kalau di ikutkan situasi normal(ie bank) mmg takan dpt punyer.
Kalau tuk long distance,u can try crop yg ade contract farming cam nenas.Basicly cam fama will provide all the fertilizer n technical support.Just sediakan modal(tgk keluasan tanah) n poject manager lar.
Plus gomen akan bagi insentif la cth kalau paling rendah sayur rm 80 setan,paling tinggi padi kot,rm 650 setan.kalau kuar 10 tan mmg best la kan.The most important thing marketing die dah selesai.Confirm duit dah tu.
dia tak mesti student grad pun..
dan bukan hanya student2 bisnes.. yg lain semua boleh,
yg penting dia student la..
iklan ada kat tb kot,,
hmm.. best jugak buat farming modern nih..
uih bro. menarik nih. tp contract farming kek sini tak berjalan sgt la.. hahaha.. yg ada pon lintah. aduh.. kalu nak wat lintah, lapar kebulur pon den tak sanggup..
tp bro, menarik sungguh cadangan ni. actually i already thinking along the same line bout jadi petani moden nih. cuma cam takde motibasi.. keh keh.. will think in depth la after diz. thanks bro!!
sekejap tulis org putih, sekejap melayu. entah apa2 fikiran caca marba sungguh.
mesti terpengaruh dgn drama melayu cakap melayu 2 3 patah sambung cakap org putih. modenlah tu.
aisehmen.. takleh ke campur2.. mi spik no english tere maa..
haha.sabau elyn..lupa nak kasitau.Ni cerita pertanian.cth cam nenas nyer budget.
1 ekar - 17 500 pokok+-
1 bijik - rm 1 -5
busuk2 kos mesti 1 ekar dlm 20k.Katokan lah dpt harga rm3.Profit kasar 52500-20=profit 32500.
Masalahnya ia dlm setawun baru boleh kutip asil.wakaka.
Namun kalau 32k/12 bulan = 2600 sebulan tau.Lagi profit dr sawit.Tanpa kita sentuh rumput pon sbb dah ada pekerja.
Camtuh la cerita dia lebih kurang utk pertanian.
woo.. tapi daku pernah cuba tanam nanas. tak menjadi. my suspek is the soil is too alkaline.. (mau kene sound ckp campur2 nih)
sblm u decide utk bukak ladang tu, ada tak u gi tanya kat jabatan tani ke jabatan tanah ke psl tanaman sesuai utk tanah tu? ada tak khidmat cek sampel tanah kat mana2 jabatan tani? menarik jugak la sbnrnya nih..
I wat soiless nyer crop.Means tak guna tanah.I just maintain EC n PH baja jer.
As for nenas mmg ader jabatan kasi khidmat check ph tanah.or you can check ur self using PH meter.Ambik la sampling 1:100 ker.lebay kurang.Letak kapur bajet2 berapa.Nak lagi tau kene tanyer org kampung yg otai2.Diorg tader ph meter pon selamber jek pakai kapur
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