Equality between men and women

>> Rabu, Mei 06, 2009

This piece was written when I was still an activist.. (yeah right.. :p)

25th August 2005


Is it cool to be equal to men? Equal in what sense? Is it experiencing the same benefits as men? I still couldnt quite put it together. In what sense that women are not treated as ‘equal’ as men nowadays. And it dawns upon me on one thing, where does this equality comes from? Are we arguing on the important thing? Or are we just focusing on one tree and not looking while forgetting the one big jungle?

I read somewhere about equality between men and women, i think its from afkar.numesir.org. i still cant figure out why there are many people who would always want to argue about how women should be equal to men.

Some people say that women are not given enough opportunity to be involved in politics. Women have less say. Now i dont want to argue in terms of what religion have to say, but rather using rational thinking and bits and pieces of knowledge to share. Lets face it, how many woman are sitting down as senate? Or even representative in Parlimen? And why is that women are outnumbered? Is it a bad thing that less women are sitting in the Parliament? I dont think so. Why did i say that.

Here is my reason.

I believed that every individual should not be judged based on their gender. I’ve said this before, and i am saying it again. If i am a women, i should maximize my potential as an individual such that it exceeds whatever maximum potential that other individuals have and it should be the best thing that i can do given that period of time.

Maximizing human potential. Doesnt sound very original but face it, it is the best way to bring out the best in both men and women without restricting the capabilities of both sexes.

Ever wonder why in 100 meter running competition between men and women is separated? Why didnt we just let women and men run together side by side. Why the men and women category? Why never bother to let women and men compete together in 100m. Cathy Freemen and Carl Lewis side by side. What an event!

Because every women and men has its own potential. A woman could be a leader if she wishes to do so, a man cannot be a leader even if he wishes to do so if he doesnt have what it takes to be a leader. It is simple as that. It is not about, “if men can do it, women can do it”. It is more than that. It is about realising that we can do much much better if we didnt set a barrier.

Those people who are screaming to let women be equal to men should be screaming back at themselves. They are barking at the wrong tree. It is time to educate all human on earth that our potential does not lie in our gender, but lies in our willingness to experiment and further enhance our abilities and capabilities in pursuing our dreams. Many great leaders never emphasize on the gender topic,just give me one great leader that says men are worthy as a leader more than women do? Even our prophet acknowledge the fact that women are just as good as men are.

I wonder why many smart women are also screaming that they want to be equal to men? Are women that stupid to be equal to men when women can do so much better if only she realize her own potential doesnt restrict to what men does but rather much more. Women can become a leader if she wishes to do so. Women can become anything if she desires so. Women should not wanting to become a leader because just because there are too much men-leaders.

The fact is, women perhaps are the most unsecure living things that walks on earth. Women need constantly be told that they are good, otherwise they will not feel good, eventhough they are damn good. Isnt this a good time to educate the fellow women that there is nothing to be afraid of? Isnt this a good time to educate everybody that gender doesnt really matter when what really matters is the maximum potential that ones can dig out from themselves.

What really bothers women in meeting room when there are many men and that woman is outnumbered? When men started to make jokes, woman feels threaten and they feel they are the weaker gender. Hell, if you cant handle one simple sexual jokes in a meeting room, I suggest you get your ass out of there woman because you aint gonna survive long. It takes a lot to survive in this world because the world now, as we know is the men-world. It has to change. How to change is up to all of us not just women but men as well. It takes a long time, but a milestone jurney began with a single step (or something like that).

Hence forth, it is imperative that we see the jungle as a jungle and not just one tree per basis. The issue is not the equality between women and men, not about equal opporunity because opportunity present itself not because you are men or women but rather because you deserve it based on your potential. Ask your boss why he or she sometimes favor their men subordinate rather than their women subordinate.

I guess you will hear the answesr ranging from – emotional stability, resilience, competencies, persistence, problem solvings, networking blablabla..

And that is the area that we should focus on to improve so that we get to maximize our potential and be as good as everybody else, if not even better.

I rest my case.

12 komen:

Xenan 3:33 PTG, Mei 06, 2009  

wah..aktivis apekah?
Aktivis basikal cam wa kah?hehe..

wa mmg sokong 100% la artikel u ni.Maybe what women needs is a good n strong role model dlm pelbagai bidang.Cam dr wan azizah la dlm politik.

Wa sempat tgk Dr Maznah Hamid citer dlm tv1 pasal topik ni...tapi sgt sedih la komen2 die.Duniawi tak hingat.Kalau org camnih yg jd role model..hancus beb.

Tader ke role model muslimah yg berjaya?

Evelyn 4:31 PTG, Mei 06, 2009  

aktivis yg takdok aktiviti.. keh3..

role model muslimah berjaya yg den tau takat nih.. tuh ha.. kakmot. ahakz.. diperingkat nasional, eden pon kurang pasti la. nih kono tanya muslimat PAS..

Maybe what women needs is a good n strong role model dlm pelbagai bidang <== maybe to boost our spirit but personally, i never had those 'attachment' to any role model. i admire some of them, sort of motivated by them but never really look up for anything more..

p/s: i love oprah tho.. hehehe

Mohar Yahya 4:48 PTG, Mei 06, 2009  

adooooooooo......camno laa den bagi komen ni ha...BI PMR pun...tak lopeh ni ha....alahai ekau elyn...sampai hati ekau....hu..hu..hu...

Xenan 5:05 PTG, Mei 06, 2009  

Maybe den kena tuka sket ayat,

kalau kita as muslim selalu claim islam is the best, y still takdak lagi tokoh wanita islam yg benar2 menonjol wat jd role model?

Napo perlu kita look up to cth oprah biler cerita pasal women power?

Bagi level awam,tidak boleh tidak kena ada living proof as icon tuk menegaskan idea sebegini.If not..terpakso la follow definasi barat utk women power ni.

Evelyn 5:55 PTG, Mei 06, 2009  

mungkin pendapat den nih tak dipersetujui dan tak popular dikalangan ramai org.. tp den raso la, kito kono bezakan antara Islam dan Muslim. kalolah kato takdok calon yg buleh jadi representasi kesempurnaan Islam, itu bukan sbb ajaran islam tak sempurna, tapi Muslim yang kureng.. jadi kalu den lah, apo salahnya kita membuka mata dan melihat pada individu sekalipun yg bukan islam dalam perkara2 atau tajuk pembangunan...

mcm bahasa arab la.. bahasa yg diturunkan Al Quran dengannya, tp realiti hari ni, bahasa arab tak mampu lagi bersaing diarena antarabangsa..bhs arab bukan bhs medium pembangunan.. jadi kita angkatlah english sbg bhs pengantar utama..

cikgupj: aisehmen cikgu.. tuh artikel den taim den masih kanak2 ribena lg... ahakz..

Evelyn 5:58 PTG, Mei 06, 2009  

p/s: pengetahuan den tentang idola2 muslimah menyebabkan den tak tahu sgt.. kot sapo2 ada idea buleh la bgtahu ye.. tp kalau buleh, idola tu bio la yg zaman skrg ni yeh.. ahakz. den ada tahu sorang nih, yg ex journalis british yg kono tangkap taliban. yvonne ke apo nama dia.. pas kena release taliban, dia masuk islam. tp ni atas tajuk motivasi..

kalau kata nak yg setara oprah dr segi kaya n pembangunan, part ni den tak tahu sgt la..

Xenan 6:33 PTG, Mei 06, 2009  

"kito kono bezakan antara Islam dan Muslim. kalolah kato takdok calon yg buleh jadi representasi kesempurnaan Islam, itu bukan sbb ajaran islam tak sempurna, tapi Muslim yang kureng."

betul lah tu elyn.Apo lak tak popularnyer.hehe.

Bukan apa,

Teringin nak tgk idol muslimat..cth cam kristian ade Mother Teresa.

Mungkinkah ada?

Unknown 7:59 PTG, Mei 06, 2009  

Xenan .. idola ni sapo pon boleh..yg penting apa kebaikan dia, sumbangan dia (yg selaras syariat) selama hari ni, yg women leh kagum,respek & ikut.
Jgn kita ingat nak 1 contoh org yg cakup untuk semua bidang..Tak mungkin ada la.
Ikut bidang spesifik, dah ada dah. At least to motivate some women. Bukan semua women even youth perlu some1 established to look up to.
Katakan pasal idola dlm kontek umah kita,.. a young gal (adik kita), dia ada kakak yg bagus akhlak..moral dia, pandai masak ker, skor str8 As dlm SPM ker masuk U, dapat kerja pon bagus, kalau dia meniaga, biznez maju ..kan tu kakak dia sbg idola gak..tu dia leh ikut.
Emak dia tentu ada sifat keibuan & karektor yg anak-anak pompuannya sendiri teruja dan sanjung/respek... mesti ada dia leh ikut buat perkara yg sama.
Lain bidang katakan Dr. Mashitah.. at least dia pon pandai alim bidangnya (kot dia ni kontroversi ker apa ker tu hal lain yg leh dihalusi). Hal lain, rujuk ajer Aishah r.ha kan ker beliau tokoh agama..ikutan semua Muslimah mahupun Mukminah.
Yer setuju dgn nyle..kot ada bidang tertentu yg takder lagi org-2 Islam yg berjaya/pakar yg leh diangkat sebagai idola, maka leh saja ikut/rujuk ilmu,karektor etc..yg manfaat tapi tak lari/sanggah dgn ajaran & adab Islam kita... maka harus diteladani.

sekian info dimaklumkan.

maymot 9:51 PTG, Mei 06, 2009  

i rest my case too..hi3

...as my case is full of some smelly sock...x_x

maymot 9:52 PTG, Mei 06, 2009  

...smelly socks,huhu

Tanpa Nama,  11:35 PTG, Mei 08, 2009  

angkat bahasa inggeris atau taksub bahasa inggeris? bm pulak dihancus-hancuskan dgn ejaan yg sengaja disalahkan dan dicampuradukkan. bahasa arab dikata tak boleh bersaing. atau tak minat? kalau dah tak minat bagi alasan yg direka2.

gaye sopan,  4:30 PTG, Mei 12, 2009  

idol tu bukan berhala ke?

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