H1N1: 67 deaths, is it just a number?

>> Selasa, Ogos 18, 2009

setiap kali smpi rumah, web pertama yg akan den bukak adalah http://h1n1.moh.gov.my. coz i wanted to know how many victims have died due to h1n1. semlm den balik ptg, dia tunjuk 64 org. hari ni den pulun wat kerja laju2, tak sabar nak balik rumah, sbb den nak tahu, dah berapa org lg mangsa. hari ni dah 67 org.. i am so speechless.. i cant even bring myself to curse. its so bloody frustrating.. nak berapa bnyk lg yg jadi korban b4 kerajaan can move their big arse and actually do something..? lets talk more about this is in a while..

but before that, i have a story to share..

p/s: sorry ler encik aduka, bila den tgh berfikir laju, den ppsmi jek. bila den tulis melayu nih, otak den jd perlahan. now y is that? aih.. hehe..


kat skolah td, sorang akak ex-tukang sapu nih, bercerita. tentang seorang cikgu skolah kat satu daerah kat kb. dia kata, cikgu tu tgh sarat mengandung 8 bulan. skarang koma akibat h1n1. masa dia koma tu, pihak hospital minta kebenaran dari suaminya nak bedah isteri dia untuk keluarkan anak dr kandungan dia. sbb takut nyawa baby tu terancam.

so pihak keluarga lelaki setuju. si isteri@cikgu tu kena bedah, dan alhamdulillah, baby tu berjaya dilahirkan dgn selamat. yg sedihnya, cikgu tu masih dalam keadaan koma, and the probability for her to survive, is so slim. baby dia alhamdulillah, masuk dlm incubator. akak yg bercerita tu, tak pasti sama ada baby tu kena infect h1n1 atau tak. but i prayed, that baby tu dalam jagaan Allah..

do u guys remember sorang wanita kat Miri yang meninggal akibat h1n1 selepas 2 minggu melahirkan anak? it was so sad... she was so young.. berusia awal 20-an.. lepas dia meninggal, pihak hospital serahkan baby tu pada si ayah. now, can we all imagine how a man feels when he lost a wife, but in his hand, a baby without a mother? it was.. so... sad.

67 org. do we know what that numbers imply? do we understand what 67 deaths mean? are we fucking ignorant to understand that 67 is not just a number?

it is 67 deaths..

67 families in mourning..
67 friends and families..
67 dreams that were shared and broken..
67 is not just a fucking statistics..
67 ways of breaking so many people hearts and hopes..
67 human beings that suffered..

67 kematian.

think about it...

11 komen:

schizophrenia,  6:31 PTG, Ogos 18, 2009  

serius aku ckp, walaupun aku akan undi pas dalam pru, tapi aku yakin kalau pas pegang portfolio kkm lagi haru jadinya

tgklah yg terjadi, mula-mula kecoh hal h1n1, pas dengan lidah rasminya harakah langsung tiada berita, tiada saranan, tiada idea langsung utk menghalang atau mengawal kes pandemik ni

entah-entah h tu mewakili apa, n tu mewakili apa pun pemimpin pas xtau, sejarah h1n1? mampus tak ambil peduli


sorry tumpang memekak ni entry akak

AbgJoe 6:53 PTG, Ogos 18, 2009  

ok la evelyn,

let us have your thoughts. whats your suggestions in this?

1. curbing, controlling the spread
2. treatment
3. avoiding panic
4. anything else?

hmmm maybe we should dedicate a blog just on H1N1, show that we are doing some serious thinking.

maybe the good doctors in MOH are having some really great think-tanking but unfortunately their efforts (if any) do not show up to the top levels...

Evelyn 7:31 PTG, Ogos 18, 2009  

hah!! spot on skitzo. itu pasal, den ckp, mcm anjing semua politicians nih. dia pedulik cuma by elections. lain2? lantak p la.

abgjoe, im all for dedicating a blog. however, that is only beneficial to the o9 community.

what about communities outside cyberworld? blog can only be read by what internet users. how many internet users in malaysia? how many of them bothered to look for information regarding h1n1?

hence, the only logical step, like u have put it nicely, is to hammer the government.

now, we did an online petition once. of course, some ppl thot it was a total failure, I, on the otherhand, thot otherwise.

your point 1,2 and 3, can only be achieved, if the government is the one taking initiatives. we, on the other hand, are part of the system that is controlled by the govrnment.

what i am suggesting, is doing something drastically.

go out there, whack few leaders head, especially the pembangkang heads, spread words, at the same times, whack the government as well.

now, how about that?

AbgJoe 7:59 PTG, Ogos 18, 2009  

well, after some time reflecting back on this issue, i can sense the problems facing our government now.

first and foremost, everything is being dictated by the political directions of the top leaders, maksud nya, kalau ada political mileage, benda tu cepat je, kalau tak, sorry la.

next, and this is one big issue, is the big confusion surrounding H1N1. what we can see now is only messages on TV about H1N1 and langkah2 pencegahan and i think thats about it. i am sure a lot of doctors are equally in the dark about H1N1 and totally relying on MOH's website or despatches which is what we see on tv now.

what is needed is information, real practical information which we the public can appreciate. without information, there will be widespread confusion.

the problem with the mask is one example. everybody thought the mask is required to prevent getting infected. but in reality, only those already infected should be wearing masks. and everyone else must cover their mouths whenever they cough or sneeze.

there must be a way to get all useful information to the masses. pertinent information. not information in bits and pieces which will result in everyone getting more confused and be in panic state.

you look at all the blogs, whether pro gomen or pembangkang. do you see any which disseminate real info on H1N1? useful info? at best just rants and hammer and blames towards the government. what will this achieve?

we are still confused. pembangkang leaders are still confused. najib jangan cerita la. memang konfius.

as i said before, unless there is access to a working task force on H1N1, the leaders will be clueless as to say anything, lest they say the wrong things.

ok, cut the story short. i do not think there is much we can do (maybe you have some ideas), but only to educate ourselves on the problem at hand. info..info...info...get those info.

Xenan 8:29 PTG, Ogos 18, 2009  

iya la abg joe,

wa sgt setuju.Tak nampak sgt kesan, unless la kita nak gi betul2 opis najib n katuk kepala die.haha

mcm comment2 wa sblm ni...semua tu melambangkan kekonfiusan org biasa pasal H1N1.

Wa ingat kalau boleh kita keluarkan satu red book cam majlis peguam kuarkan buku tajuk "Polis dan Hak2 asas anda"

Buku kite merah gak tajuk "H1N1 dan Hak2 asasi anda".Ia jd guideline pd cara terbaik utk mengelak dr H1N1.Pastuh guideline camne nak berhadapan dgn hospital supaya kes2 cam adik elyn tuh tak terjadi.After all mmg right kite nk hidup pon kan.Gua percaye ramai gile org tatau sop hospital sebenar2nnya termasuk la gue.

Unknown 11:21 PTG, Ogos 18, 2009  

everybody thought the mask is required to prevent getting infected --> me too.

So what's the best way not to get infected, dear abg Joe?

AbgJoe 12:39 PG, Ogos 19, 2009  

Not everyone having the virus will show symptoms of influenza. How will we know who has and who has not? Those with strong body will likely display mild symptoms which others may not even notice.

The virus may even be in our house, or place of work, exhaled by people close to us.

Of course if we wear N95 type mask 24x7 then we MAY not get infected.

How not to get infected? Tukar soalan sikit. How not to get exposed to H1N1 virus?

Duduk dalam gua kot. Sorry Hanz, no answer la.

How not to get infected? Ensure your body is stronger than the virus.

Unknown 7:50 PTG, Ogos 19, 2009  

ABG JOE...oh N95 mask? better get myself 1..& fast. Actually, me know u'd provide the answer, not that i dunno know...was just really kinda panic .. hehe.

do agree with yer last line that we must somehow got ready & stronger than virus..phew! Cheers 4 that lovely advice Brother Joe!

If, (who knows huh?)i'd die 1st b4 of u guys coz of this disease, just wanna let u all know that am glad to have friends (in the net) like u all though invincible.

Evelyn 8:57 PTG, Ogos 19, 2009  

SOP hospital ada kat blog MOH.
cuba godek sana.

the thing is, why bother having SOP if it didnt really help distinguishing between who really got infected n who is not? like abgjoe said, physical simptoms tak selalunya menunjukkan h1n1 atau sebaliknya.

sbb tu ada kes yg terlepas dr hospital sbb ILI tak nampak, mungkin sbb immune system dia power, sekali tu, wpun dia ada h1n1, body dia boleh cope.

malangnya, dia sebarkan pd org lain. the only logical way, to really stop penularan ni, is isytihar darurat. like 7 days. tp, negara akan rugi dr segi ekonomi. haha..

this is almost seems like a lost cause.

AbgJoe 9:34 PTG, Ogos 19, 2009  

Memang la MOH ni haprak gila H1N1.

Hari ni diorang declare tiada kematian terbaru. Walhal pagi tadi seorang cikgu dari SMK USJ12 meninggal yang hospital kata lung failure dan bukan H1N1. At the same time ada 4 orang cikgu sekolah tu yang sama infected dan sedang recovering. Lung failure...and four others infected with...lung failure as well? Bodoh punya reasoning..

Ini bukti MOH memang praktik kan data massaging tentang H1N1 ni. Tak tahu lah atas tujuan apa. Mungkin angka sebenarnya dah lebih 100 orang meninggal, atau 200 orang? Ismail Merican ni memang betul kaki kelentong.

Evelyn 10:00 PTG, Ogos 19, 2009  

likewise, mmg kerajaan always cover up... i've suspected that as well. in fact, since bulan mei, bila swine flu ni mula dikesan, i dah tulis yg kerajaan akan guna taktik yg sama mcm taktik cover kes SARS. logik ke kalau negara2 seberang jiran ada dekat seratus kes, tp mesia isytihar SARS 1 kes saja.

Nipah outbreak 1999? kerajaan sentiasa menutup kesah sebenar. kes bakun. semua lah.

kalau tak ada maklumat, tak tahu kat mana kes2 begini berlaku, mcm mana kita nak protect ourselves?

nak maki pon takdan der.


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