the intruder - part 2

>> Sabtu, Ogos 15, 2009

previously.. here

im running off into the darkness..

i couldnt see anything, it was dark. but i can hear the sound of my heart thundering against my chest. out of nowhere, for whatever reason it was.. i screamed.

i really screamed. i let out an ear piercing scream. it was about the loudest scream ever recorded by human i think. it was THE SCREAM. i mean, it was a really loud scream.

i screamed like i was a basket case, then i stopped. in few seconds, i heard voices of people. i heard the hostel coming alive. i heard people rushed to open their door. i heard loud footsteps.. i heard some people scream. they were scared. who wouldnt if they woke up to a scream so loud it woken up the whole hostel.

and no.. it wasnt just the girl hostel that woke up. my scream woke up the boys as well.
i was still alone in the darkness with my scream still ringin in my ears...
and later, i heard voices. male voices... suddenly, i was flooded by lights..


i looked up, to many familiar faces. oh no.. the seniors. i meant, the guys. the guys have entered the forbidden ground, the girl hostel, because of my scream... they were the upper six guys, all big guys, the cricket players and hockey players.. they surrounded me.. the scared stiff looking kid. i was sitting on the ground, hugging my knees, crying n sobbing silently....

then, someone took my hand. it was my bro. robin oliver patrick. not really my real bro, 'abang angkat' actually.

"V, ok.. jgn nangis.. its ok.. its ok... HEY, PANGGIL SUZANA!!"

i looked up again, and this time, i saw all of them have cricket bats in their hands. some have hockey sticks. few of them have jumped over the fence and searched the bushes. the others were wandering around the back looking for God-knows-what. next thing i know, cikgu pian arrived. he said he heard someone scream from his flat. and i was like, did i just scream so loud that it can be heard across the football field and some 400 metres away not to
mention that the teachers flat is on top of a hill?

ok, defintely THE SCREAM.

cikgu pian quickly assembled the guys, and the girls were told to stay in their dorm for awhile until all clearance are given..oh and the guys? they didnt wear anything except shorts. it was getting uncomfortable and a little bit crowded..and to be honest, it wasnt really comforting to be surrounded by half naked boys. if i wasnt so distracted by my crying, i might have told them to go put some clothes. because, some notti girls have made giggling sounds when they saw the guys with no shirt on.

what happened next, is not important.. as u can already guess, i became famous (not that i wasnt famous b4..hehe) but i can tell you, for sure, what really happened that night, it was black magic of the highest level..not many people ever tried that and succeed...

till later, the aftermath...

2 komen:

Tanpa Nama,  10:49 PTG, Ogos 17, 2009  

huhu lin...
juz like the curse of lord voldermort of arry po'er...

-->mentang2 den baru abis bc buku tu...hi3

Sebaik nothing happened>>thank god!!


Evelyn 9:02 PTG, Ogos 18, 2009  


tuh la...
"accio wand!!"
"avada kedabra!!"

(smbil membayangkan pegang my phoenix wand dan mengacukan wand tersebut pada rosmah..)



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