H1N1: hey leaders, just go eat shit.

>> Isnin, Ogos 17, 2009

Dimaklumkan sehingga 17 Ogos 2009 jam 9.00 pagi sejumlah 284 pesakit H1N1 sedang dirawat di wad dan 33 pesakit yang disahkan H1N1 sedang dirawat di Unit Rawatan Rapi (ICU) di seluruh negara. Daripada 33 kes yang sedang menerima di ICU, di dapati 17 kes mempunyai faktor risiko iaitu penyakit kronik (8), asma (3), obesiti (2), kecacatan otak (2), hamil (1) dan post-delivery (1).

Untuk makluman sebanyak 2 kematian telah dilaporkan. Maklumat mengenai kematian tersebut adalah seperti berikut: Seorang bayi lelaki berumur 7 bulan yang juga pengidap asma, dimasukkan ke ICU hospital pada 7/8/09 kerana demam, batuk dan sesak nafas selama 2 hari. Bayi tersebut telah mendapatkan rawatan di klinik swasta pada hari sebelumnya. Rawatan antiviral telah dimulakan pada 8/08/09 dan disahkan jangkitan H1N1 pada 12/08/09. Walau bagaimanapun, bayi tersebut telah meninggal dunia pada 15/8/09 disebabkan oleh severe pneumonia with acute respiratory failure.

Seorang wanita warga emas berumur 74 tahun yang mengidap diabetes dan kegagalan jantung (CCF) telah dimasukkan ke hospital pada 10/8/09 setelah didapati pengsan di rumahnya. Pesakit telah dilaporkan mengalami demam dan batuk sejak 8/8/09 (2 hari sebelum kemasukan ke hospital) dan rawatan antiviral telah dimulakan pada 11/8/09. Walau bagaimanapun beliau telah meninggal dunia pada 12.08.09 disebabkan oleh severe pneumonia. Kes telah disahkan positif influenza A(H1N1) pada 13/08/09.


sorry, now i am seriously angry. what the fuck is wrong with this country?? read the stratement above carefully. baby tu admit kat icu on 7th august, jangkitan disahkan pada 12th august??5 hari kemudian? sorry, im so bloody ignorant at the moment. but pls, do tell me, does it really take 5 days for a test to be completed? i mean, skarang ni h1n1 is on rampage, and it takes 5 days for the result to come thru??

what are we? in bloody africa? the hospital is not equipped? the thousands of medical assistants that graduated from all college all over malaysia are incompetent? we dont have enuff facilities? not enuff manpower? then why dont we OUTSOURSE to private institution? so the wealth ones can go to the private clinic, the poor ones just go to the gov hospital.

i mean, FIVE DAYS?? give us a break ok? this is already too much. the baby is already sick. and u need five bloody days to confirm he got h1n1?? he was only a baby ok you MORONS!!! i wish i can do something more.. he was only a baby..

this country is so fucked up. i wish all the leaders just go and eat shit. or better, just go and die. u all are plain morons.

6 komen:

AbgJoe 8:16 PTG, Ogos 17, 2009  

H1N1 attacks the lungs, as such it is quite straightforward to identify it. Fever, flu with signs of breathing difficulties will most surely indicate H1N1.

Problem is how to treat the patients?

MOH is now caught with nothing. They have been saying all the while that there's no reason to panic because we have antivirals.

Now the antivirals has been proven to be a dud. If you read the net, existing antivirals are only good at treating seasonal flu, which H1N1 is not.

The probable reason why kerabat Pahang family got better after getting antivirals is because they did not have H1N1 in the first place!

So, we are back to square one. There's nothing we can rely on except our own body's self defence mechanism. At least until there is real H1N1 antiviral developed.

The government is really screwed. And i think the ministers are all scared shit. Just look at their pictures at public appearances, with all the masks on.

Hopefully all bloggers can do their part to hammer those buggers. And I especially would like to see MOH KP - Ismail Merican - to resign. This fella has failed the country big time.

Tanpa Nama,  10:55 PTG, Ogos 17, 2009  

this joe is really well-informed regarding h1n1...


Mr 12:21 PTG, Ogos 18, 2009  

woi2.... elayu la.. den pun nak join gak. PPSMI betul la korang.

Mr. R,  2:31 PTG, Ogos 18, 2009  

garangnya elyn..takut la i...baru je cadang nak ngurat..fikir 10x la macam ni...dah kawin nanti mau kena marah dlm english i kang..langsung tak boleh jawab..hu3x

Evelyn 6:15 PTG, Ogos 18, 2009  

abg joe, that was what confused me, how come they took 5 days to complete a test? i mean, h1n1 is like a national emergency (altho they claimed otherwise), but, honestly, 5 days?

ada org lain tahu kenapa smpi 5 hari? is h1n1 virus that complex to identify? strain so long, the electron microscope cannot see it? i mean, what are the procedures? *sigh...*

hanz, we cannot depend on the government. and that goes to the anjing2 pembangkng as well. they are all so hung up on the permatang pasir by elections, they dont care about the rakyat. PAS, PKR, DAP, UBN, can all sit down together and eat shit.

AT, aiyah.. ye la ye la.. GMP + PPSMI la pasnih. GMPPSMI <== keh3

Mr R, now, what do i say to you? only 5 words.

"Don't Even Think About It"

p/s: is "don't" a one-letter-word, or two-letter-words?

p/s: kakmot, bila lg sesi buat ketupat nih?

maymot 5:47 PTG, Ogos 19, 2009  

sesi wat ketupat dekat nak raya la plak..muahaha..

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