the intruder : the aftermath

>> Isnin, Ogos 17, 2009

previously on the intruder ...

ada org tanya, ni citer hantu ke? actually no. ni takde kaitan dgn crita hantu. like, obviously, the intruder, right? in the morning, ramai cikgu2 bersidang, to discuss about what happened at the hostel. some ppl thot i was seeing 'ghost', some ppl thot it was fragments of my imagination, some ppl even thot it was my way of seeking glamor. which of course, utterly ridiculous. i was, in fact, already glamour. he he he...

the teachers discussed about the intruder. i was even questioned. the fact that, everybody was sleeping at that time was a big surprise. its like, not a single soul was awake. even all my friends, my roomates, all the others, were like, how come they were all sleeping when usually, saturday morning everybody wakes up early?

the ustaz told us that somebody put a curse. like 'pukau'. haa.. ada tok bomoh kot yg main pukau kat budak2 skolah. because, after thorough inspection, many students complained of missing things in the morning. and we were like, nasib baik dia curik barang jah. kalau dia kidnap atau buat benda dajjal kat kitorang tak ke haru?

now, bila ustaz tu cakap mcm tu, i tertanya-tanya... kenapa i sorang saja yg terjaga that nite? and, kenapa lelaki tu patah balik selepas kali pertama i ternampak dia? patut dia berambus je. kenapa lelaki tu tak serang bila dia nampak i? maybe, dia tak sangka 'pukau' dia menjadi, so dia datang balik nak tgk.. selepas insiden tu, ada jugak la beberapa malam den tak boleh tido. my eyes asik tgk pintu. as if takut lelaki tu datang balik. my roomates and pasang benang yang di sambung dgn tin2 cola, so bila pintu tu nak di buka, akan bunyi bising.. ok masalahnya bila nak pi toilet, kena la pantas membuka tali2 itu.. haha... my bro, kasik den kayu hoki suruh letak bawah katil. luckily, i never had any need to bash anyone's head with that.

it was a few days later that i begin to hear voice.. suara seorang perempuan.. suara dia lembut tapi sgt jelas.. selalu, sebelum i tido.. she whispered my name.. as if mulut dia betul2 dekat telinga... so close...


-the end-

3 komen:

Tanpa Nama,  10:51 PTG, Ogos 17, 2009  

haih lin..
saspende tol....
next episode pliss...


Xenan 9:40 PG, Ogos 18, 2009  

"maner leh ending camnih.Ni blog bkn movie!!Buang "the end" tu!!" jerit ahli kelab pembaca blog Taman Paramount

Evelyn 8:57 PTG, Ogos 18, 2009  



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