H1N1: dear comrades.. do we still stand united?

>> Selasa, Ogos 18, 2009

i always believed that, in times of crisis, there will always be hope. hope prevails, when everything else fails.

now, we are face-to-face with this. h1n1 is real. the threat is real. those deaths are real. and we know, the government is doing no shit. and that, my friend, is real.

are we going to just stare at the screens? are we just going to sit back and take precautions ourselves? are we just going to 'hope for the best'? am i just going to continue to scream, swear, curse to my heart content in my blog? are you just going to read, feel sorry, and then, 'hope for the best'?

if we fall in love with something or someone so deeply..

if we believe in something or someone so strongly...

are we just going to 'hope for the best'?


do we STAND UNITED and DO SOMETHING for the best?

i strongly believed that, we can do something..more...

i believed, we can do whatever in our God's-given-talent, evrything within our own ability and power, to BEAT THE SYSTEM THAT HAS FAILED US.

dear fellow comrades, can we do something more to beat the system that failed us?

we have stand united before, be as it may, be as insignificant as some people thot,..

if we stand united, we can do it again..

comrades, lets go 'underground' again.. shall we?

aduka, xenan, kakmot, hanz, che, piz, faiz and all of us, can we do something to hammer the government (as ABGJOE put it)? another 'underground gig'?

ideas? anyone? its time to take bit of actions.

government is doing nothing or being snail-slow, and deaths are escalating. its not too late.

pls.. can we do something?

im open to any suggestion.

p/s: anyone can reach me here: elyn.evelyn [at] gmail [dot] com

7 komen:

Unknown 10:07 PTG, Ogos 18, 2009  

i syorkan AT & co. buat street demo lagi..as he is so good in this demo thing...betul...AT bagus, dia leh lead/jd marsyal para pendemo..kalo kena kejar FRU/PGA dia dulu ler terjun gaung tepi jln tu..hehe (actually psl tu wa respek lu AT).

Semua peserta demo wajib pakai face masks, gloves putih, baju hujan? Banner bhs elok-2 dialu-2kan..banters, swearing, curse etc inevitable! At last a true effort yg mana mungkin perpaduan dlm kontek 1Malaysia dapat direalisasikan dgn penyertaan ribuan pendemo semua rakyat tak kira parti bebas,UMNO ker,PAS,MIC,non-partisan semua dpt
buat demo yg diselia trafik oleh polis raja d M'sia. Aman tanpa provokasi. Serah memorandum kpd Menteri Kesihatan,KP Jab. Kesihatan, Ment. Pelajaran, Ment. Keselamatan dlm Negeri dll.

Tajuk demo? apa-2 aje ...e.g. We stand UNITED urging more urgency move/drastic measure to encounter H1N1 from our FAILED GOVERNMENT! Goon! Muppets! Morons!
cewahhh ..like we're now treating.

SERIOUSLY, am just as focused now myself. I really can’t wait to get on the back of those (f***ing snail-slow ministers,officers,concern authorities) TAPI wa ingat kita go on with public awareness campaign for themselves to DO SOMETHING for their own best interest - self precaution. The least we can do.

Evelyn 11:05 PTG, Ogos 18, 2009  

aih hanz, nak organize demo dah amik brapa hari? in the mean time, how many people are going to meet their Maker?

lagipunm public gathering is so not in my top list to do, eventho with face mask and all, it still will be like, exposing urself to unnecessary risks.

i am not one for demo la hanz..

Unknown 11:13 PTG, Ogos 18, 2009  

oh u r still awake?

yeah...demo tak byk effect indeed..i saja menmain. sorry!

i tunggu idea kenkawan yg lain dulu. Mungkin Abg Joe kita boleh cadangkan sesuatu meaningful?

Xenan 12:31 PG, Ogos 19, 2009  

bro joe,

apekah cerita nih?

"A warning that the new swine flu jab is linked to a deadly nerve disease has been sent by the Government to senior neurologists in a confidential letter.

The letter from the Health Protection Agency, the official body that oversees public health, has been leaked to The Mail on Sunday, leading to demands to know why the information has not been given to the public before the vaccination of millions of people, including children, begins.

It tells the neurologists that they must be alert for an increase in a brain disorder called Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS), which could be triggered by the vaccine.

GBS attacks the lining of the nerves, causing paralysis and inability to breathe, and can be fatal.

The letter, sent to about 600 neurologists on July 29, is the first sign that there is concern at the highest levels that the vaccine itself could cause serious complications."

AbgJoe 1:09 PG, Ogos 19, 2009  

Ni cerita kat UK ni. Gomen sana kena kritik teruk sebab vaccination nampak macam rush saja tak tunggu full clinical trials vaccine tu. Orang UK dok kata gomen maybe ada pakat dgn vaccine provider.

Vaksin ni takut jugak. Biasanya vaksin ialah a 'milder' form of the penyakit, diolah dari bakteria or virus yg related.

H1N1 ni dulu-dulu dah few times dikesan, dan dah ada sejarah failed vaccination. So, sekarang ni, apa-apa pun boleh jadi. Siapa nak jadi guinea pigs nak ambik vaksin tu? Kalau dah setahun vaksin tu diguna, agaknya baru lah orang lain rasa selamat nak ambik.

Xenan 11:12 PG, Ogos 19, 2009  


Dah baca email ekau.Will respond nanti.

Evelyn 8:48 PTG, Ogos 19, 2009  

aih, ada cerita baru? my theory is dat, this h1n1 mmg created purposely in a lab, or perhaps, virus ni dah kena cultured then release open. for example, why in mexico at the first place?

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