H1N1: when this country is run by bunch of seriously fucked up br0ains (2)

>> Isnin, Ogos 10, 2009

i'll be quick this time. its all because i dont this its worth it to rant much about the s.o.b who run this country. im venting off. so beware. like usual, this contains crude language.

for a start, the stupid effing government should have ben more vigilant in its pursuit to reduce the local or global infection of h1n1. like, why dont u close down all the school in a district where h1n1 is now on rampage? what? u need hudnred of ppl to die first ka? aiyah. so stupid. no need to elaborate on dat.

secondly. BOLEH TAK BAGI FrEE FACE MASK TO PELAJAR SKOLAH HA? HOI PEMIMPIN 1MALAYSIA. U ALL ARE REALLY BUNCH OF ARSEHOLES. ok. dah tahu bnyk skolah yg kena, n budak2 kecik is at risk, could u at least distribute facemask for free? aiyah, sooooo bloody stupid n ignorant laaaaaa kementerian kesihatan dan kementerian pendidikan nih. u think semua budak skola ni dr keluarga kaya ka? bodoh nak mampus gamaknya yg memimpin negara nih.

n also, can the kementerian kesihatan bergerak dgn lebih cekap? u think pasang iklan kat tv enuff ke? haiyah. mangkuk so mangkuk. u need to go out there. we shud be more concern about the kids. budak2 ok? orang tua got higher immune capacity. tp budak2 is at risk. why dont the kementerian kesihatan epgi antar wakil ke sekolah2 n bg ceramah awareness? this is important. we need the kids to realise that h1n1 is really a threat. u think enuff ke takat cikgu skola bg nasihat. its important to instill fear/awareness at the highest order especially with kids so diorang leh jaga kebersihan etc.

n also, the kementerian pelajaran shud gives out warning to all pengusaha kantin skola n syarikat tender pembersihan skolah so dat they will raised their level of efficiency in cleanliness. gives order to all syarikat pembersihan to clean al public toilets! nih asik bg arahan general. mcm pahat dgn tukul. aiyah. idiots.

this is all about being practical. u knwo how malaysians are. semua kene ketuk baru nak gerak. so kerajaan nih, ketuk2 la rakyat hang. b4 dat, kerajaan, sila ketuk kepala anda. lembab.

aiyah. malas nak ckp bnyk. lu pikey la sendiri.

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